In version 0.82, many games print what looks like emulation
debugging messages while they run. For example, for robby, you

  Machine reset
  cpu #0 (PC=0000004F): unmapped I/O byte read from 00000015
  cpu #0 (PC=0000004F): unmapped I/O byte read from 00000015
  cpu #0 (PC=0000004F): unmapped I/O byte read from 00000015
  cpu #0 (PC=0000004F): unmapped I/O byte read from 00000015
  cpu #0 (PC=0000004F): unmapped I/O byte read from 00000015
  cpu #0 (PC=0000004F): unmapped I/O byte read from 00000015
  cpu #0 (PC=0000004F): unmapped I/O byte read from 00000015
  cpu #0 (PC=0000004F): unmapped I/O byte read from 00000015
  cpu #0 (PC=0000012A): unmapped program memory byte write to 0000C5DF = 28
  cpu #0 (PC=0000012C): unmapped program memory byte write to 0000C5E0 = 3F

In some cases (bombjack, marble2) it's such a flood that the
emulation slows down to a crawl. Is there any way to disable them ?

André Majorel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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