Hi all;

When I try to run Asteroids I get a failure with this error output:

Using a Visual with a depth of 24bpp.
MIT-SHM & XV Extensions Available. trying to use... Success.
Using Xv & Shared Memory Features to speed up
Actual bits per pixel = 32... Clearing YUY2
I386 joystick interface initialization...
OSD: Info: Joystick 0, 2 axis, 16 buttons
Using 16bpp video mode
info: setting fragsize to 512, numfrags to 5
info: fragsize = 512, numfrags = 5
info: audiodevice /dev/dsp set to 16bit linear mono 22050Hz
info: sysdep_dsp: using oss plugin
info: sysdep_mixer: using oss plugin
Making YUV lookup
X Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 141 (XVideo)
Minor opcode of failed request: 19 ()
Serial number of failed request: 51
Current serial number in output stream: 51

Anyone have any ideas? It seems to be a problem with the vector-based games. Star Wars also fails in this manner, and I believe Space Invaders.

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