On Monday 12 July 2004 22:56, Dan Hollis wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Jul 2004, Anders Höckersten wrote:
> > -malign-loops, -malign-jumps and -malign-functions are obsolete in
> > recent versions of gcc, and it is recommended to use their corresponding
> > -f flags instead. Even then, all these are set to a good
> > processor-specific default by gcc, and you should probably not touch
> > them unless you have tried and have found these faster.
> BTW I did try these and _did_ find them to be faster. Apparently the
> processor-specific default is not good enough.

Thanks for these informations dudes

Do you have an idea about how I could benchmark my binaries in order to find 
what graphics driver is more appropriate for my hardware ?

eg: a game which need a lot of processor speed in order to be emulated so I 
can check the fps or something ?

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