> I don't know, but after merging everytime I patched the source with "u"
> diff , I didn't have to run "make clean", just make and only the changed
> files were compiling. So I presume makefile does build a dependency list.

It will do that without a dependany list for the .c files that have changed.
If a .c #includes a .h and there is no dependancy list then the resulting
executable is liable to fail.
Not doing a make clean is like playing russian roulette. You may get lucky,
it depends on which .h files have changed.

Try touch src/driver.h, if the dependancy list is ok then that ought to
cause almost everything to recompile. If it doesn't then for your future
sanity ( and Lawrence as you will end up with bugs that nobody else can
duplication ) then you have to do a make clean.


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