Matthias Saou wrote:

+ /usr/bin/make DISPLAY_METHOD=xgl TARGET=mame mkdir -p xmame.obj/unix.xgl mkdir -p xmame.obj/unix.xgl/frameskip-drivers mkdir -p xmame.obj/unix.xgl/joystick-drivers mkdir -p xmame.obj/unix.xgl/sysdep mkdir -p xmame.obj/unix.xgl/sysdep/dsp-drivers mkdir -p xmame.obj/unix.xgl/sysdep/mixer-drivers mkdir -p xmame.obj/unix.xgl/video-drivers [OSEPEND] Compiling src/unix/main.c ... <command line>:194:14: missing terminating " character make: *** [xmame.obj/unix.xgl/main.o] Error 1

Both x11 and SDL targets compile fine.
I'm confused as to where that 194th lines is...

I ran into similar problems with unix.mak. The culprit is the double-quote preceded by a backslash. If you change




it should fix it. I'm not sure what I did to cause this, but I suspect moving what used to be in src/unix/Makefile into unix.mak is what caused it.

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