Tim Arnold wrote:
> my libxml2 version is 5, which I think means that schematron isn't
> supported. And the docbook.rng contains some embedded schematron. From
> the DocBook 5 documentation:
> ---------------------
> If you want to validate against the DocBook 5 RelaxNG schema, then you
> have to find the right validation tool. The DocBook 5 RelaxNG schema
> includes embedded Schematron rules to express certain constraints on
> some content models. For example, a Schematron rule is added to prevent
> a sidebar element from containing another sidebar. For complete
> validation, a validator needs to check both the RelaxNG content models
> and the Schematron rules.
> ---------------------

Yes, it looks like libxml2 can't handle Schematron annotations that are
embedded in RelaxNG schemas, even if both languages are supported separately.

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