On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 19:25 -0500, James Orr wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using libxslt 1.1.9 with Perl's XML::LibXSLT module.  Ran into
> a bit of trouble when upgrading to 1.1.12 ...
> I have a registered function which returns an XML::LibXML::NodeList.  It
> runs through an array, creates an element for each item and then pushs
> it onto the returned nodelist.
> In my XSL file I have some things like ...
> select="item[ns:myfunction($include)[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> and what that would do is select all the item elements with a value
> which matches entries in the perl array.  This works fine in 1.1.9.  In
> 1.1.12 it gives a segmentation fault.
> Is this a bug with libxslt or is there something I need to clear up in
> my code?

Some further information.

It's not libxslt, it's libxml2.  It works with version 2.6.11, it
doesn't with 2.6.16 or higher (not sure about in between those

I get the segmentation fault whenever myfunction returns more than one
item in the NodeList.


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