On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 12:00:51PM +0200, Ohad Oded wrote:
> Hi, 
> In error.c there are functions that handle error printing such as
> xmlGenericErrorDefaultFunc, however not all functions use these methods
> for error printing. Some use fprintf(stderr, ...), this is bad for
> applications that are GUI oriented and especially bad if stderr is not
> initialized.
> Some examples:
> xpath.c(11135):              fprintf(stderr, "100 x %s\n",
> comp->string);

  in #ifdef DEBUG_EVAL_COUNTS i.e. only for debugging

> xmlschemas.c(3332):     fprintf(stderr, "  target namespace %s\n",
> namespace);

  within #ifdef DEBUG too

> xmlreader.c(520):           fprintf(stderr, "xmlTextReader: state %d
> depth %d ",

  in #ifdef DEBUG_READER

> Can this behavior be fixed? 

  This is not a behaviour. You could not possibly got stderr output from
those unless you modified the sources. So there is nothing to be fixed
and you need to reread that code, doing a basic grep without looking
and complaining without understanding at it is not really a proper way
to get any solution to the problem you may face. If you have *real* stderr
output, then explain what, the library uses stderr for valid reasons,
it may use it for invalid ones, but your report does not show any.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team http://redhat.com/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
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