
On Wed, 2005-04-13 at 21:41 -0700, Randy J. Ray wrote:
> I cannot find any real documentation of what this error message
> actually indicates. I have a schema, and several documents that
> conform to it. But when I try to do XSLT procession with either
> xsltproc or the Perl bindings, I get the following:
> wcrs.cst: /CallSearchEngine.xsd:2: parser error : Content error in the
> external subset
> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
> ^
> I've attached both the schema and the file. There are actually seven
> files, but all of them report the same error. This is just the
> shortest of them.
> Note that the schema itself has been checked out through XMLSpy, and
> otherwise appears to be in fine shape. All help appreciated. This is
> occurring with both of these version pairs (libxml2/libxslt):
>     2.6.16 / 1.1.11
>     2.6.11 / 1.1.10

With <!DOCTYPE database SYSTEM "CallSearchEngine.xsd"> the processor
expects a DTD - not a XML Schema - to be found at the given location;
thus it barks, since the file is not a DTD.

>From http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204/:

"[Definition: The XML document type declaration contains or points to
markup declarations that provide a grammar for a class of documents.
This grammar is known as a document type definition, or _DTD_. The
document type declaration can point to an external subset (a special
kind of external entity) containing markup declarations, or can contain
the markup declarations directly in an internal subset, or can do both.
The DTD for a document consists of both subsets taken together.]"


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