2007/1/24, Liam R E Quin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 12:36:34PM -0800, Steve Yan wrote:
> > I am looking for such a tool which convert the results from a SQL select
> > into XML format.
> There are several ways to do this; some XQuery implementaions can
> do it natively... or you could use ODBC or JDBC or even the
> Perl DBI to access a database and make XML syntax, although that's
> less efficient than the XM LQuery approach in many cases.
> Since yo umention you're using DB (I assume IBM DB2) note
> that DB2 supports XQuery via the XML Extender.

"BTW, I am using the SQLite3 for DB."

He said he's using SQLite3.

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