Ethan Metsger wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 13:14:18 -0500, Daniel Veillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>>  Many bugs have been fixed since 2.6.9, so it's likely a bug on your
>> side,
>> but I have no idea what this could be, try to reproduce it with
>> xmllint --shell (see setns and xpath commands) and provide an instance
>> of
>> XML showing the problem.
> Hi, Daniel.
> Thanks for your email.  I'm sorry for the delayed response; I was working
> with a few different issues to see if I could figure out what was
> happening.  xmllint does the Right Thing (i.e., it finds the fifty nodes
> we're trying to select), which is good.  I've been looking at it and the
> debugAPI code for awhile now.
> By comparison, the xpath1 and xpath2 examples both return zero nodes when
> executed on the schema with the same query.  So it seems to me like
> xmllint is doing something different than the two examples provided.

I'm not sure about your data, but using my own testfile it seems xpath1.c
does the RightThing as well:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] work]$ cat test1.xsd
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="";>
  <xs:element name="a" type="A"/>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] work]$ ./xpath1 test1.xsd //xs:element
Result (1 nodes):
= element node "";

Where do we differ?

> Best,
> Ethan


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