Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 02:59:50AM +0100, Aron Szabo wrote:

If I use the library in a threaded program and call
xmlCleanupParser() I can't reinitialize it.

So here's what happens:

1. xmlCleanupThreads() is called from xmlCleanupParser()
2. the global key is deleted by xmlCleanupParser() which was created
by xmlOnceInit()

So the problem is that if I want to clear the data allocated then I
can't use the library because it will leak memory (xmlOnceInit will
not be called). The simplest way to solve this issue is to reset

The other way is to remove xmlCleanupThreads() from the cleanup
process and let the user/programmer do the dirty work...

Aron Szabo
Pointless Software

diff --git a/threads.c b/threads.c
index 98fd2c2..7f421dd 100644
--- a/threads.c
+++ b/threads.c
@@ -911,8 +911,10 @@ xmlCleanupThreads(void)
     xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlCleanupThreads()\n");
-    if ((libxml_is_threaded)  && (pthread_key_delete != NULL))
+    if ((libxml_is_threaded)  && (pthread_key_delete != NULL)) {
+       once_control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
+    }
 #elif defined(HAVE_WIN32_THREADS) && !defined(HAVE_COMPILER_TLS) && 
     if (globalkey != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) {
         xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *p;

  That makes sense. there is a big problem anyway with
xmlCleanupParser() most people seems to think it need to be used after
parsing while it's a library global operation and really should not
be called after parsing but only when the library is not in use anymore.

So overall I'm tempted to change xmlCleanupParser() to become an empty
routine, and rename the real function as xmlCleanupLibrary().
That way the various shared libraries deployed with that bug won't need
to be changed specifically, avoiding crashes when multiple libraries
using libxml2 are used. Then your patch should be applied to the new
xmlCleanupLibrary() function.

Personally I don't think the purpose of that function should be changed just for the fact that it has been functional *and documented* to work like it does now - so misuse is the developers fault. Existing apps that have properly used the function should not be penalized as I do know many environments where memory leaks are just not acceptable regardless of how small they are; especially when it is an intended breakage.

What I think would be better would be would be to mark xmlInitParser and xmlCleanupParser as depreciated but leave their current behavior. Add new functionals (xmlInitLibrary, xml ClenaupLibrary), as well as some new functions to handle local parser cleanup - like xmlParserInit and xmlParserCleanup (or something along those lines).

If the direction really ends up being xmlCleanupParser being made into a noop, I would really hate to see that done in an incremental release version.


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