I'm afraid I can't help out much more, here (you're problem goes
beyond my meager capabilities). But if you haven't tried 
xsdtorngconverter, it may be worth a shot:

I cannot vouch that it works well, but I tried it on the snippet of
XSD you posted, and the resulting RELAX NG looked quite reasonable.
(And quite easy to change to do what you want.)

> I apologize if I posted to the wrong list. Anyway, thanks for your help.
> The schematron rule appears to be working, however, here's my scenario.
> I have an XSD written already and don't have the time to convert it to
> Schematron or relax-NG. I know xmllint doesn't fully implement the XSD
> specification nor does it support XSD 1.1 but without having to
> introduce an alternative validator to the build process, I'm stuck with
> xmllint and an XSD. Also, I'm dealing with very large .xml files at
> times, in some instances close to 1GB, so memory is of importance here.
> I'll break down the process below.
> You import your XML file, validation is performed using xmllint, if
> validation fails I simply discard the file and throw an error. However,
> if validation succeeds, the XML file is parsed using PHP (the SAX
> parser). I could use PHP to validate if the TARGET preference is set and
> discard the file and throw an error if not found, however, I'd prefer
> not to go that route. I'm also dealing with two separate formats of the
> XML file but the problem exists with the schema validation for the newer
> format.
> I've been trying to find the proper XSD rule, without any luck, to
> validate the document. I'd prefer not to have to validate the XML file
> twice using xmllint. I'm currently executing xmllint from the CLI,
> without any luck using both the XSD and schematron (with the --stream
> option). I need the --stream option so xmllint doesn't load the entire
> document in memory. When executing xmllint with --schematron and the
> --stream option, I get no validation messages back, whatsoever.
> Examples:
> xmllint --noout --stream --schematron file.sch file.xml
> xmllint --noout --stream --schema file.xsd --schematron file.sch file.xml
> James
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