On 23.05.2012 14:26, Nikolay Sivov wrote:

> It's not a question how to use MultiByteToWideChar() to do UTF-8 ->
> WCHAR, the question is does 'name' argument is UTF-8 string or not.
> By the way, is dlopen() supposed to work on UTF-8 input? I doubt so,
> and since xmlModuleOpen() has ifdef-ed version for each platform, it
> makes me think that LoadLibraryA is a valid solution.
Daniel mentioned xmlChar* in his original message and, AFAIK, xmlChar*
is supposed to hold UTF-8 strings just as libxml uses UTF-8 internally.

If this is true, neither LoadLibraryA nor LoadLibraryW work for any
characters outside the ASCII range.

I see that xsltExtModuleRegisterDynamic(const xmlChar * URI) uses
xmlChar so I suppose this is UTF-8. At last it calls
xmlModulePlatformOpen() but does not apply character conversion. To me
this seems inconsistent.

I also support LoadLibraryW because otherwise it is not possible for
Windows to load extensions with Unicode character names outside the
system locale.

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