On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Daniel Veillard <veill...@redhat.com>
>  xmlXPathNewContext doesn't set the context node, it set it to NULL,
> if you keep it NULL all relative evaluations will fail (which sounds
> the right thing to me at the XPath level) but kind of weird from an
> user point of view, so initializing to the document node sounds the best
> to me.

Sure, but is there a way for a user to discover this, beside asking on
the mailing list?

>> Actually it is related, because XMLStarlet has the exact same bug as xmllint.
>  okay, but a priori that's not the same initialization code path, i.e.
> different bug :-)

Except that it was probably copied from xmllint, so it's the same bug :p
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