When investigating the libxslt performance problem reported in bug #657665, I found that '//' in XPath expressions can be very slow when working on large subtrees.

One of the reasons is the seemingly quadratic time complexity of the duplicate checks when merging result nodes. The other is a missed optimization for expressions of the form 'descendant-or-self::node()/axis::test'. Since '//' is expanded to '/descendant-or-self::node()/', this type of expression is quite common. Depending on the axis of the expression following the 'descendant-or-self' step, the following replacements can be made:

from descendant-or-self::node()/child::test
to   descendant::test

from descendant-or-self::node()/descendant::test
to   descendant::test

from descendant-or-self::node()/self::test
to   descendant-or-self::test

from descendant-or-self::node()/descendant-or-self::test
to   descendant-or-self::test

'test' can be any kind of node test.

With these replacements the possibly huge result of 'descendant-or-self::node()' doesn't have to be stored temporarily, but can be processsed in one pass. If the resulting nodeset is small, the duplicate checks aren't a problem.

I found that there already is a function called xmlXPathRewriteDOSExpression which performs this optimization for a very limited set of cases. It employs a complicated iteration scheme for rewritten expressions. AFAICS, this can be avoided by simply changing the axis of the expression like described above.

With the attached patch against libxml2 and the files from bug #657665 I got the following results.


$ time xsltproc/xsltproc --noout service-names-port-numbers.xsl service-names-port-numbers.xml
real    2m56.213s
user    2m56.123s
sys     0m0.080s


$ time xsltproc/xsltproc --noout service-names-port-numbers.xsl service-names-port-numbers.xml
real    0m3.836s
user    0m3.764s
sys     0m0.060s

I also ran the libxml2 and libxslt test suites with the patch and couldn't detect any breakage.

>From e0f5a8261760e4f257b90410be27657e984237c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Wellnhofer <wellnho...@aevum.de>
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 18:20:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Optimizations for descendant-or-self::node()

Currently, the function xmlXPathRewriteDOSExpression optimizes expressions
of type '//child'. Instead of adding a 'rewriteType' and doing a compound
traversal, the same can be achieved simply by setting the axis of the node
test from 'child' to 'descendant'.

There are also many other cases that can be optimized similarly. This
commit augments xmlXPathRewriteDOSExpression to essentially rewrite the
following subexpressions:

- descendant-or-self::node()/child:: to descendant::
- descendant-or-self::node()/descendant:: to descendant::
- descendant-or-self::node()/self:: to descendant-or-self::
- descendant-or-self::node()/descendant-or-self:: to descendant-or-self::

Since the '//' shortcut in XPath is translated to
'/descendant-or-self::node()/', this greatly speeds up expressions using
'//' on large subtrees.
 xpath.c |  143 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/xpath.c b/xpath.c
index 6161671..df0e367 100644
--- a/xpath.c
+++ b/xpath.c
@@ -587,8 +587,6 @@ typedef enum {
 } xmlXPathTypeVal;
 typedef struct _xmlXPathStepOp xmlXPathStepOp;
 typedef xmlXPathStepOp *xmlXPathStepOpPtr;
 struct _xmlXPathStepOp {
@@ -602,7 +600,6 @@ struct _xmlXPathStepOp {
     void *value5;
     void *cache;
     void *cacheURI;
-    int rewriteType;
 struct _xmlXPathCompExpr {
@@ -772,7 +769,6 @@ xmlXPathCompExprAdd(xmlXPathCompExprPtr comp, int ch1, int 
        comp->steps = real;
     comp->last = comp->nbStep;
-    comp->steps[comp->nbStep].rewriteType = 0;
     comp->steps[comp->nbStep].ch1 = ch1;
     comp->steps[comp->nbStep].ch2 = ch2;
     comp->steps[comp->nbStep].op = op;
@@ -12042,8 +12038,6 @@ xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest(xmlXPathParserContextPtr 
     int breakOnFirstHit;
     xmlXPathTraversalFunction next = NULL;
-    /* compound axis traversal */
-    xmlXPathTraversalFunctionExt outerNext = NULL;
     void (*addNode) (xmlNodeSetPtr, xmlNodePtr);
     xmlXPathNodeSetMergeFunction mergeAndClear;
     xmlNodePtr oldContextNode;
@@ -12093,13 +12087,6 @@ xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest(xmlXPathParserContextPtr 
         case AXIS_CHILD:
            last = NULL;
-           if (op->rewriteType == XP_REWRITE_DOS_CHILD_ELEM) {
-               /*
-               * This iterator will give us only nodes which can
-               * hold element nodes.
-               */
-               outerNext = xmlXPathNextDescendantOrSelfElemParent;
-           }
            if (((test == NODE_TEST_NAME) || (test == NODE_TEST_ALL)) &&
                (type == NODE_TYPE_NODE))
@@ -12235,26 +12222,7 @@ xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest(xmlXPathParserContextPtr 
     while ((contextIdx < contextSeq->nodeNr) || (contextNode != NULL)) {
-       if (outerNext != NULL) {
-           /*
-           * This is a compound traversal.
-           */
-           if (contextNode == NULL) {
-               /*
-               * Set the context for the outer traversal.
-               */
-               outerContextNode = contextSeq->nodeTab[contextIdx++];
-               contextNode = outerNext(NULL, outerContextNode);
-           } else
-               contextNode = outerNext(contextNode, outerContextNode);
-           if (contextNode == NULL)
-               continue;
-           /*
-           * Set the context for the main traversal.
-           */
-           xpctxt->node = contextNode;
-       } else
-           xpctxt->node = contextSeq->nodeTab[contextIdx++];
+       xpctxt->node = contextSeq->nodeTab[contextIdx++];
        if (seq == NULL) {
            seq = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(NULL);
@@ -14637,57 +14605,63 @@ xmlXPathTryStreamCompile(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar *str) {
 #endif /* XPATH_STREAMING */
-static int
-xmlXPathCanRewriteDosExpression(xmlChar *expr)
-    if (expr == NULL)
-       return(0);
-    do {
-        if ((*expr == '/') && (*(++expr) == '/'))
-           return(1);
-    } while (*expr++);
-    return(0);
 static void
-xmlXPathRewriteDOSExpression(xmlXPathCompExprPtr comp, xmlXPathStepOpPtr op)
+xmlXPathOptimizeExpression(xmlXPathCompExprPtr comp, xmlXPathStepOpPtr op)
     * Try to rewrite "descendant-or-self::node()/foo" to an optimized
     * internal representation.
-    if (op->ch1 != -1) {
-       if ((op->op == XPATH_OP_COLLECT /* 11 */) &&
-           ((xmlXPathAxisVal) op->value == AXIS_CHILD /* 4 */) &&
-           ((xmlXPathTestVal) op->value2 == NODE_TEST_NAME /* 5 */) &&
-           ((xmlXPathTypeVal) op->value3 == NODE_TYPE_NODE /* 0 */))
-       {
-           /*
-           * This is a "child::foo"
-           */
-           xmlXPathStepOpPtr prevop = &comp->steps[op->ch1];
-           if ((prevop->op == XPATH_OP_COLLECT /* 11 */) &&
-               (prevop->ch1 != -1) &&
-               ((xmlXPathAxisVal) prevop->value ==
-                   AXIS_DESCENDANT_OR_SELF) &&
-               (prevop->ch2 == -1) &&
-               ((xmlXPathTestVal) prevop->value2 == NODE_TEST_TYPE) &&
-               ((xmlXPathTypeVal) prevop->value3 == NODE_TYPE_NODE) &&
-               (comp->steps[prevop->ch1].op == XPATH_OP_ROOT))
-           {
-               /*
-               * This is a "/descendant-or-self::node()" without predicates.
-               * Eliminate it.
-               */
-               op->ch1 = prevop->ch1;
-               op->rewriteType = XP_REWRITE_DOS_CHILD_ELEM;
-           }
+    if ((op->ch1 != -1) &&
+        (op->op == XPATH_OP_COLLECT /* 11 */))
+    {
+        xmlXPathStepOpPtr prevop = &comp->steps[op->ch1];
+        if ((prevop->op == XPATH_OP_COLLECT /* 11 */) &&
+            ((xmlXPathAxisVal) prevop->value ==
+                AXIS_DESCENDANT_OR_SELF) &&
+            (prevop->ch2 == -1) &&
+            ((xmlXPathTestVal) prevop->value2 == NODE_TEST_TYPE) &&
+            ((xmlXPathTypeVal) prevop->value3 == NODE_TYPE_NODE))
+        {
+            /*
+            * This is a "descendant-or-self::node()" without predicates.
+            * Try to eliminate it.
+            */
+            switch ((xmlXPathAxisVal) op->value) {
+                case AXIS_CHILD:
+                case AXIS_DESCENDANT:
+                    /*
+                    * Convert "descendant-or-self::node()/child::" or
+                    * "descendant-or-self::node()/descendant::" to
+                    * "descendant::"
+                    */
+                    op->ch1   = prevop->ch1;
+                    op->value = AXIS_DESCENDANT;
+                    break;
+                case AXIS_SELF:
+                case AXIS_DESCENDANT_OR_SELF:
+                    /*
+                    * Convert "descendant-or-self::node()/self::" or
+                    * "descendant-or-self::node()/descendant-or-self::" to
+                    * to "descendant-or-self::"
+                    */
+                    op->ch1   = prevop->ch1;
+                    op->value = AXIS_DESCENDANT_OR_SELF;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
-       if (op->ch1 != -1)
-           xmlXPathRewriteDOSExpression(comp, &comp->steps[op->ch1]);
+    /* Recurse */
+    if (op->ch1 != -1)
+        xmlXPathOptimizeExpression(comp, &comp->steps[op->ch1]);
     if (op->ch2 != -1)
-       xmlXPathRewriteDOSExpression(comp, &comp->steps[op->ch2]);
+       xmlXPathOptimizeExpression(comp, &comp->steps[op->ch2]);
@@ -14745,12 +14719,8 @@ xmlXPathCtxtCompile(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const 
xmlChar *str) {
        comp->string = xmlStrdup(str);
        comp->nb = 0;
-       if ((comp->expr != NULL) &&
-           (comp->nbStep > 2) &&
-           (comp->last >= 0) &&
-           (xmlXPathCanRewriteDosExpression(comp->expr) == 1))
-       {
-           xmlXPathRewriteDOSExpression(comp, &comp->steps[comp->last]);
+       if ((comp->nbStep > 1) && (comp->last >= 0)) {
+           xmlXPathOptimizeExpression(comp, &comp->steps[comp->last]);
@@ -14927,17 +14897,12 @@ xmlXPathEvalExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
        xmlXPathCompileExpr(ctxt, 1);
-       /*
-       * In this scenario the expression string will sit in ctxt->base.
-       */
        if ((ctxt->error == XPATH_EXPRESSION_OK) &&
            (ctxt->comp != NULL) &&
-           (ctxt->base != NULL) &&
-           (ctxt->comp->nbStep > 2) &&
-           (ctxt->comp->last >= 0) &&
-           (xmlXPathCanRewriteDosExpression((xmlChar *) ctxt->base) == 1))
+           (ctxt->comp->nbStep > 1) &&
+           (ctxt->comp->last >= 0))
-           xmlXPathRewriteDOSExpression(ctxt->comp,
+           xmlXPathOptimizeExpression(ctxt->comp,

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