On 2013-10-24, at 2:18 AM, Frank Gross <f...@4js.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>  I've build an executable using libxml2.8.0 via a dlopen on a Mac OS 10.8 
> system. But when I install my binaries on a mac OS 10.9 system, I get 
> following error : "Incompatible library version: xml.dylib requires version 
> 11.0.0 or later, but libxml2.2.dylib provides version 10.0.0.”

This is due to building your executable against your own build of libxml2 on OS 
X 10.8, and then running it against the system version of libxml2 on OS X 10.9. 
You shouldn’t see this problem if you build against the system version of 
libxml2 on OS X 10.8 and then run on OS X 10.9.

> Has anyone got the same kind of error ? Or does anymore know, why on mac, 
> starting an executable has apparently a side effect of loading libxml, even 
> if not xml is used in the code ?

Mach-O binaries contain a list of dynamic libraries that you were linked 
against at build time. These libraries are loaded during launch to check for 
version and architecture compatibility between what the binary expects and the 
libraries that are actually available. You can see the list of linked libraries 
using `otool -L /path/to/binary`. If you’re intending to lazily load libxml2 
using dlopen then there’s no need to explicitly link against it at build time 
(e.g., no need to pass -lxml2 to ld).

- Mark

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