On Fri, Oct 03, 2014 at 12:44:28PM +0200, Patrick Monnerat wrote:
> Hi Daniel,

  Hi Patrick,

> Would it be possible to merge the os400 subdirectory (os400 branch)?
> Your remarks have been taken into account as noted in my e-mail to the
> list of March 4, 2014.
> https://github.com/monnerat/libxml2/tree/os400
> Commits:
> 39354a70eb9290118aa401453916b6f58e313615
> f635e88460043fa02f852d3fc5ce829f34b44c44
> f8d8770c689ff8b3e5866884f1a08c4c47572574
> 961b595784d36e336ef7a87268d2e38e543bb6ca
> 624f6820a6e517152c82c93bd50e434853d1f4c9
> 4d2496f185e2ac9c5611e951e7dabab6dcc1b61d
> b7d7553cde3459aa2f3bce88a4ad9a64b32e048d
> 1c48f14f39ae879fa53618729e9255e4510c57dc
> 49b2b51fd64dc3a254c52f2bd7b67af738732303
> ff48b67bcbb03bfb52c06fe85a56a9a1ae9332e7
> eadbe4457adc9df4ad58f4493d19beaee85d1f15
> ae80c444228d4458ced8ec9c842959e5066438ab
> c316a29b2e7fd56b3e5fbede70be0b0691ba71cf
> cfa5e68c765a8de5163047b18f55b40a1dac5c23

  I think the majority of those got applied, I fetched your commits:

thinkpad:~/XML -> git checkout as400
error: pathspec 'as400' did not match any file(s) known to git.
thinkpad:~/XML -> git checkout as400/as400
error: pathspec 'as400/as400' did not match any file(s) known to git.
thinkpad:~/XML -> git checkout os400
Switched to branch 'os400'
thinkpad:~/XML -> git rebase master
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: For OS/400 we can't use NULL comparison for iconv_t
Applying: Adds the os400 directory to dist for tarballs
thinkpad:~/XML ->

  only those 2 remaining patches seems to not have been
commited then, the second one is a no brainer, on the other hand
why use -1 for the cast to (iconv_t) when would could use 0 (as NULL)
was used previously, any reason to not use
   (iconv_t) 0
instead of
   (iconv_t) -1
that would be way closer to the original, and less likely to
raise an unwanted ABI issue.



Daniel Veillard      | Open Source and Standards, Red Hat
veill...@redhat.com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/
xml mailing list, project page  http://xmlsoft.org/

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