the simpliest solution I've found on my own is like that:

xml = xmlReaderForFile("example.xml", NULL, 0);
doc = xmlTextReaderCurrentDoc(xml);
root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
agent = xmlGetProp(root, "agent");

and then proceed with the rest of parsing using the Reader interface, as
Do not forget to use xmlFreeDoc(doc) at the end of parsing.

On 10/11/2014 12:12 PM, Spartaco wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I'm just wondering if is there a simple way in LibXML2 to get an
> attribute value from the root node, preferably using the Reader interface.
> I have no problems at all with attributes from other nodes, they all are 
> accessible by
> xmlTextReaderGetAttribute function, but root.
> Apparently LibXML2 discards root node attributes, or may be I'm missing 
> something.
> Just to be clear, I intend to parse something like:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Example agent="myclient">
>   <value1>aaa</value1>  
> </Example>
> and I'd like to get the value of the "agent" attribute.
> Can someone give me an hint?
> Regards
> SM
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