>Please do not use the "Reply to" function of your mail client to compose new 
>and independent mails to the mailing list.

Ok, I am sorry. I didn't realize it is a problem. I can see it now.

>There are no entity reference nodes in the XPath data model, see e.g.

But they are in libxml tree. It does not seem right to pretend to the xpath 
that they do not exist.

Hmm, at <http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/#element-nodes> they say, that "Entity 
references to both internal and external entities are expanded." Would that 
mean, that my xpath should return 2 (for two text nodes)? E.g. expand the 
references and merge the second one with a preceding text node?

It looks like a grey area on the borders of the specs to me...

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