Hi Team,
I work on Yang RFC development. Yang RFC proposes an Xpath extension called 
current() as:

10.1.1. current()
 node-set current() The current() function takes no input parameters and 
returns a node set with the initial context node as its only member.I have 
implemented this extension as shown below. This extension does seem to be 
working for simple Xpath expressions like: "current() > 0", but does not work 
when complex expressions are involved like: "../../interface[name = 
Could you guys let me know if this implementation is proper? Your help is 
highly appreciated.

 * ext_current () -- Defines the Xpath extension current(),
 * defined by Yang RFC.
 * From Yang RFC 7950:
 * The current() function takes no input parameters and returns a node
 * set with the initial context node as its only member.
static void
ext_current (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
     * This function takes 0 args.
    if (nargs != 0) {

    /* Push the current context node onto Xpath Stack */
    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(ctxt->context->node));

 * register_yang_xpath_extensions () -- Registers extensions defined by Yang
 * RFC. These extensions are implemented internally in Junos.
static void
register_yang_xpath_extensions (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
    int rc = 0;

    rc = xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"current",
    if (rc != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error in registering current() func\n");

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