I figured out that I was going off-course with this question. I was able to set replaceEntities to 1 in my xmlParserCtxt and my schema validation issues went away since the entities were already replace by the time I validated.
From: xml <xml-boun...@gnome.org> On Behalf Of Lara Blatchford Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 11:35 AM To: xml@gnome.org Subject: [xml] schema validation with entities Good morning - is there any way to successfully execute schema validation on XML containing entity definitions/references with libxml2 *without* substituting the entities yourself? I notice xmllint produces the same error I'm getting in my code: ent_exp3.xml:8: element fruit: Schemas validity error : Internal error: xmlSchemaVDocWalk, there is at least one entity reference in the node-tree currently being validated. Processing of entities with this XML Schema processor is not supported (yet). Please substitute entities before validation.. fruits_ent_exp3.xml validation generated an internal error Thanks, Lara
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