Hi Everyone,

I'm building libxml2-2.9.10 from sources. I'm seeing some libxml2 self
test failures on NetBSD 8.1.

Here's the tail of 'make check'.

./runtest && \
     ./testrecurse && \
    ASAN_OPTIONS="$ASAN_OPTIONS:detect_leaks=0"  ./testapi && \
     ./testchar && \
     ./testdict && \
## XML regression tests
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## XML regression tests on memory
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## XML entity subst regression tests
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## XML Namespaces regression tests
## Error cases regression tests
## Error cases regression tests (old 1.0)
## Error cases stream regression tests
## Reader regression tests
Result for ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml failed in result/ebcdic_566012.xml.rdr
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## Reader entities substitution regression tests
Result for ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml failed in result/ebcdic_566012.xml.rde
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## Reader on memory regression tests
Result for ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml failed in result/ebcdic_566012.xml.rdr
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## Walker regression tests
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## SAX1 callbacks regression tests
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## SAX2 callbacks regression tests
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## SAX2 callbacks regression tests with entity substitution
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## XML push regression tests
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## HTML regression tests
## Push HTML regression tests
## HTML SAX regression tests
## Valid documents regression tests
## Validity checking regression tests
## Streaming validity checking regression tests
## Streaming validity error checking regression tests
## General documents valid regression tests
## XInclude regression tests
## XInclude xmlReader regression tests
## XInclude regression tests stripping include nodes
## XInclude xmlReader regression tests stripping include nodes
## XPath expressions regression tests
## XPath document queries regression tests
## XPointer document queries regression tests
## xml:id regression tests
## URI parsing tests
## URI base composition tests
## Path URI conversion tests
## Schemas regression tests
## Relax-NG regression tests
## Relax-NG streaming regression tests
## Pattern regression tests
## C14N with comments regression tests
## C14N without comments regression tests
## C14N exclusive without comments regression tests
## C14N 1.1 without comments regression tests
## Catalog and Threads regression tests
Total 3174 tests, 11 errors, 0 leaks
gmake: *** [Makefile:2092: runtests] Error 1

Attached is the config.log.

Thanks in advance.

<<attachment: config.log.zip>>

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