Author: jochen
Date: Wed May 10 05:49:27 2006
New Revision: 405740

Added a FAQ entry for resolving XMLRPC-65.


Added: webservices/xmlrpc/branches/XMLRPC_2_0_BRANCH/src/site/fml/faq.fml
--- webservices/xmlrpc/branches/XMLRPC_2_0_BRANCH/src/site/fml/faq.fml (added)
+++ webservices/xmlrpc/branches/XMLRPC_2_0_BRANCH/src/site/fml/faq.fml Wed May 
10 05:49:27 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+<faqs title="XML-RPC Version 2 FAQ">
+  <part id="Customizing the request">
+    <faq>
+      <question>How do I do basic authentication? The method 
+        is deprecated?</question>
+      <answer>
+        <p>The main reason for deprecating the method is that it's 
implementation is
+          bound to using the sun transport. If you like that, it's fine, but 
+          you don't.
+        </p>
+        <p>The recommended way to specify user and password while still 
+          a transport factory goes like this:</p>
+        <source><![CDATA[
+public class MyXmlRpcClient extends XmlRpcClient {
+    private final String myUser, myPassword;
+    // Just one constructor here, to be short. Add more, if you like.
+    public MyXmlRpcClient( URL url, String user, String password )
+    {
+        super(url);
+        transportFactory = new DefaultXmlRpcTransportFactory(url);
+        ((DefaultXmlRpcTransportFactory) 
transportFactory).setBasicAuthentication( user, password );
+    }
+        ]]></source>
+      </answer>
+    </faq>
+  </part>
+  <part id="Customizing Output">
+    <faq>
+      <question>How do I get a client, which uses "string" tags?</question>
+      <answer>
+        <p>
+          The XML-RPC specification typically states, that atomic values must 
be surrounded
+          by a tag describing their type, for example "int", or "i4", for 
integer, or
+          "string" for string. There is one exception: The "string" tag
+          is optional and not mandatory. Apache XML-RPC chooses to omit 
"string" tags,
+          because that is faster.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          Unfortunately, there seem to be XML-RPC servers in the wild, which 
+          to receive this "string" tags. In such cases, one needs to use a
+          custom instance of [EMAIL PROTECTED] org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlWriter}. 
This custom instance
+          might look as follows:
+        </p>
+        <source><![CDATA[
+public class MyXmlWriter extends org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlWriter
+    public MyXmlWriter( OutputStream out, String enc )
+        throws UnsupportedEncodingException
+    {
+        super(out, enc);
+    }
+    public void writeObject(Object obj)
+        throws XmlRpcException, IOException
+    {
+       if ( obj == null  ||  !(obj instanceof String))
+       {
+           super.writeObject(obj);
+       } else {
+           startElement("value");
+           startElement("string");
+            chardata(obj.toString());
+           endElement("string");
+           endElement("value");
+       }
+    }
+        ]]></source>
+        <p>
+          The question remains: How do I tell the XmlRpcClient to use my 
+          Unfortunately, that requires yet another subclass:
+        </p>
+        <source><![CDATA[
+public class MyXmlRpcClient extends org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient
+    // Just one constructor here, to be short. Add more, if you like.
+    public MyXmlRpcClient(URL url)
+    {
+        super(url);
+    }
+    protected XmlRpcClientWorker newXmlRpcClientWorker()
+    {
+               final TimeZone tz = getTimeZone();
+               final XmlRpcClientRequestProcessor req = new 
+               {
+            protected XmlWriter newXMLWriter(String encoding, OutputStream out)
+                throws UnsupportedEncodingException
+            {
+                return new XmlWriter(out, encoding);
+            }
+               };
+               final XmlRpcClientResponseProcessor res = new 
+               return new XmlRpcClientWorker(req, res);
+       }   
+        ]]></source>
+      </answer>
+    </faq>
+  </part>

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