
I'm very new to the webservices world, so apologies in advance if my
questions are clueless :-(

I'm trying to integrate XMLRPC into an already existing java application.
It already has its own threading and I/O model, so I'm trying to isolate
just the particular classes.  Unfortunately, all of the examples I can find
seem to assume that I'm either running a webserver from scratch or TomCat or
some such.

I'm trying to understand the bits needed to make a server, given that I
already have an asyncronous IO thread model.  So, specifically, I'm looking
for the class (or pointer to the bits so I can build such a class) that
takes as parameter a non-blocking socket/input stream and outputs a XMLRPC
client request if a complete request has been queued.  Then, given the
request, my understanding is I should be able to pass it to an instance of
XmlRpcServer: right?  And then it's not clear to me how I return the output
of XmlRpcServer back to the underlying socket.

If any one knows of example code that does something similar, that would be
much appreciated.

I understand that my answers are almost definitely in the javadocs, but I'm
having trouble navigating the class hierarch, and any help or pointers would
be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

- Rob

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