I always reply to mails sent to the xmlsec mailing list. If you are sending mails
with xmlsec question to my personal email I might ignore them in the same way
you ignore my request to do not do this.

I have no idea why you have problems with Chinese. I am sorry but you gave zero
information in your message. Most likely, you need to read DTD or XML spec one
more time or ask this question in libxml2 mailing list. There are guys familiar with
XML internationalization and they might quickly help you (but do not forget to include
more info in you question).



I have sent a letter to you about one month ago,but you didn't write back. I am sad. Now I am signaturing xml file .I found libxml can't recognise a dtd file containing Chinese .Can you solve it or tell me how to modify some .h and .cpp files to satisfy my needs.That is to say, how to recognise it when I signature the Chinese xml file. Can you reply to me as quickly as possible? Thanks a lot


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