
It's actually a bug in the example :) The reasons for the error you have are
described in the FAQ (section 3.2)
While I've updated test.tmpl file for this example I simply forgot to re-run it
and generate a new test.xml file :) The problem is fixed in 0.0.x branch and
on the we site.

Thanks for report,

EGB:STONEROSES@MATRIX (Blusjune Jung / Daum.net) wrote:

Hi~ :)

I've tested all XML DSig examples.
Each test was successful.
But, there's one suspicious test result:

By use of program xmlsec(1) automatically installed by XMLSec library,
I was trying to verify the signed XML document
``test.xml'' located at http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/examples/dsig3/test.xml
(this file is also included in XMLSec library distribution
at docs/examples/dsig3/test.xml)

But the result is the very operation failure,
not a verification failure.

Here's the dump of that test result :

-----BEGIN DUMP-----
[EGBX:dsig3 (533)]$ xmlsec verify --print-all test.xml xmlSecTransformStateParseUri (transforms.c:1181): error 4: xml operation failed : xmlXPtrEval(xpointer(id('SomeData'))) xmlSecTransformStateCreate (transforms.c:881): error 2: xmlsec operation failed : xmlSecTransformStateParseUri(#xpointer(id('SomeData'))) xmlSecReferenceRead (xmldsig.c:1602): error 2: xmlsec operation failed : xmlSecTransformStateCreate xmlSecSignedInfoRead (xmldsig.c:1476): error 2: xmlsec operation failed : xmlSecReferenceRead - -1 xmlSecSignatureRead (xmldsig.c:1175): error 2: xmlsec operation failed : xmlSecSignedInfoRead - -1 xmlSecDSigValidate (xmldsig.c:733): error 2: xmlsec operation failed : xmlSecSignatureRead - -1 ERROR
Error: operation failed
-----END DUMP-----

I think that this problematic situation may be caused by
the bug of XPointer module(evaluation).
What do you think about it?

Is it really a serious bug?
Has it been reported before?
How can I solve this problem?

To be a rock, and not to roll.
-x-x-[?]EGB:STONEROSES@MATRIX[!]-x-x- | blusjune@EGBSD | ^_^ | stoneroses | $ NAME=\
$ "Blusjune Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
$ PGPKEYID="0xF1F2FD37" -x-x-x Eternal Golden Blusjune x-x-x-
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