
I wonder is it because I have setup xmlsec incorrectly?
When I run "made check" right after installation, I get a lot of skips
without any OK.
Or it is because I am using openssl 0.9.7?
Or could it be I am running in a Maemo scratchbox?

Thanks a lot!

=================== Checking xmlsec-openssl =================================
--- testKeys started for xmlsec-openssl library (20080219_145454) ---
--- log file is /tmp/testKeys.20080219_145454-14857.log
    Checking hmac key data presense                       Skip
    Checking rsa  key data presense                       Skip
    Checking dsa  key data presense                       Skip
    Checking des  key data presense                       Skip
    Checking aes  key data presense                       Skip
    Checking aes  key data presense                       Skip
    Checking aes  key data presense                       Skip
--- testKeys finished ---
--- detailed log is written to  /tmp/testKeys.20080219_145454-14857.log ---
--- testDSig started for xmlsec-openssl library (20080219_145454)
--- log file is /tmp/testDSig.20080219_145454-15016.log
    Checking required transforms                          Skip
    Checking required transforms                          Skip
    Checking required transforms                          Skip
    Checking required transforms                          Skip

Best regards,
Pern hui

On Feb 19, 2008 12:27 PM, chia pern hui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to run example "verify3.c"
> I am running openssl 0.9.7e-4 and xmlsec1-1.2.11
> However, I have got the following error message:
> func=xmlSecOpenSSLX509StoreInitialize:file=x509vfy.c:line=651:obj=x509-store:subj=X509_LOOKUP_add_dir:error=4:crypto
> library function failed:
> func=xmlSecKeyDataStoreCreate:file=keysdata.c:line=1328:obj=x509-store:subj=id->initialize:error=1:xmlsec
> library function failed:
> func=xmlSecOpenSSLKeysMngrInit:file=crypto.c:line=313:obj=unknown:subj=xmlSecKeyDataStoreCreate:error=1:xmlsec
> library function failed:xmlSecOpenSSLX509StoreId
> func=xmlSecOpenSSLAppDefaultKeysMngrInit:file=app.c:line=1270:obj=unknown:subj=xmlSecOpenSSLKeysMngrInit:error=1:xmlsec
> library function failed:
> Error: failed to initialize keys manager.
> Could you kindly help me in this? I am new in openssl too.
> Is there something i need to do for the X509_LOOKUP_add_dir?
> Thanks a lot!
> --
> Best regards,
> Pern Hui

Best regards,
Pern Hui
xmlsec mailing list

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