Ever since I first saw the sky

By Priyanka Das | Saturday, Jan 27, 2018 (09:01 am)

Ever since I first saw the sky, I have been interested in Space. This dream has 
been the most effective motivating factor in my life so far; sometimes 
directly, for example when I put in every effort to get a chance to discover 
NASA's Jet Propulsion laboratory, and sometimes indirectly, like when I made 
the choice to do Physics over a course in art and design, my other passion. In 
this small article, I present my academic journey to the reader, in the hope 
that it might inspire some young people and show them a way of how to approach 
their dreams.

My parents, being from scientific profes­sions themselves, have had a big role 
to play during my upbringing in helping me cultivate the quality of being 
autonomous - I could always approach them comfortably for just about everything 
but my deci­sions were always my own. This sort of freedom gave me a sense of 
control over my life so I could really aim for the stars if I so wished. 
However, the most important contribution from them was, at the same time as 
being supportive, to be strict enough that I could differentiate between what I 
was privileged to have and what I had to get on my own.

School life

Like a lot of children I was interested in several things at the same time. 
With time I started to focus on a select few of these fields - including art, 
myviolin, dance, writing, sports and of course, science and puzzles - but they 
were still too many in number to give me a direction in life, worrying my 
parents. However that did land me the BestAll­rounder Award just before leaving 
school. Since I did rather well in competitive exams like the Junior Science 
Talent Search, and the National Science Olympiads, I felt encouraged to pursue 
a career in science. But deep down, I was an artist and I started getting 
really distracted by its nature during my teens. However, like it is in India, 
parental pressure made me focus on my studies again and after work­ing really 
hard during my 12th boards, the hardest I have ever worked for the sake of rote 
learning, I secured a 95%. It served as a trampoline for me, as it secured me a 
place at Stephen's College for an honors course in Physics, and my adventure in 
the exploration of science thus began (and my mother seemingly forgave me for 
messing up my IITJEE exam). Itwas a difficult decision at first because the 
National Institute of Design (NID) at Ahmedabad had also offered me a place, 
but sometimes choices have to be made.

St. Stephen’s College 

While at St. Stephen's, I realized that my aerospace dream could actually 
become a reality. I did my first summer internship at the Inter Uni­versity 
Accelerator Centre at Delhi where I studied the focusing properties of magnetic 
quadrupoles on a charged beam of particles. Seeing that particle physics 
involved similar principles as light optics, my perspective on Physics 
post-school started to mature. Pursuing my newly developed curiosity for 
optics, the following year I did an internship at the Photonics lab at IIT 
Delhi, on holography, a subjectthat I became obsessed with because itwas so 
artistic as well as scientific. In my final year, I was selected for a summer 
course in experimental physics at the Homi Bhabha Centre (HBCSE) orga­nized by 
TIFR Mumbai. My academic experience at St. Stephen's was thus quite rich and 
eventful. The fact that I turned up with very little preparation for entrance 
exams for masters like JAM, JEST and TIFR, and yet qualified with good ranks 
too showed that I had indeed enjoyed my bachelors and been a serious student. 
However, it did not mean that I felt satisfied as deep down I felt the need to 
explore more - not just academically but in what life had to offer in general.

École Polytechnique

Thus, encouraged by my professor Dr. Bikram Phookun, I jumped upon the 
opportunity to apply to École Polytechnique in Paris. École Poly-technique is 
one of the most prestigious schools in France, having produced several of the 
best French minds since the end of the 18thC, and it was given a military 
status by Napoleon himself in 1794. I men­tion this because people in India do 
not generally know much about France,exceptthat there is the Eiffel tower in 
Paris. Moreover, there are a lot of stereo­types about west­ern culture that 
are either baseless or unimportant, and some people I know were even skeptical 
of the term 'Polytechnic' itself. However, if we stay stuck to what people say 
and believe, we would never make progress ourselves. Thus, I would like to 
highly encourage students to apply to French universities like École 
Polytechnique. My parents were a bit troubled by the fact that it was a four 
year course; a master normally takes two years. But as Dr. Phookun told me, two 
extra years hardly makes a difference when we think about a career doing what 
we love. Moreover, the course at Poly‑technique gave us not just one 
internationally rec­ognized master in science and technology, but two of them, 
and the second year can be counted as a second bachelor. Thus it is quite far 
from a waste of time. My happiness knew no bounds when I received my acceptance 
letter! I had even received full scholarship and a paid flight to France. École 
proved to be the second major trampoline in my life. A new country, a new 
culture, and a plethora of opportunities. There was so much I could learn and 
do at the same time - I even took up fencing as a sport and competed at 
university level.

Space projects

Among all the cheese, travel, student associa­tions, parties and wine ­ great 
experiences when one is in their early twenties - I had not for­gotten my 
aerospace dream. In fact it was more alive than ever. In my first year at 
École, I participated in an event called ActInSpace, or­ganized by the CNES, 
the French Centre for Space Studies. Our team developed an origami-inspired 
design of solar panels around a space probe for ease of de­ployment in space, 
and won the first prize in the Paris region and made it to top 5 in France. The 
next year I was part of a team that made an actual microsatellite for the QB50 
project, a mission for developing a network of CubeSats built by Universities 
teams all over the world to make a global map of the largely unexplored lower 
thermosphere. My work was on he communication channel between our CubeSat and 
our ground station. Our satellite was launched n May 2017 with the others from 
the International Space Station itself via the Atlas-V rocket, and it is still 
in orbit, transmitting atmospheric data. I have a piece of code in space!

Encouraged by the success of my proj­ects, I jumped at the opportunity of 
applying to the 2015 Caltech Space Challenge, organized by the California 
Institute of Technology (Caltech), in collaboration with scientists from NASA's 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). I really put all my effort and prayers into 
it, but I was still really surprised when I was named among the 32 selected 
from around the world! The challenge itself consisted of simulating the 
planning of a mission to send astronauts on an asteroid captured and put in an 
orbit around the moon by NASA's Asteroid Redi­rect Mission (ARM). It was not 
just all work and no play - we got a chance to visit JPL, play beer pong with 
NASA scientists, and have a good time! The experience overwhelmed me from a 
scientific perspective as I realized I was too young and inexperienced to be of 
any important service to an organization like NASA. This was when I decided 
that I needed to either do a PhD or work as a re­search engineer.

Brazil and Robotics

I did a research internship in my third year at the University of Sao Paulo in 
Brazil. Needless to say it was another opportunity to experience a different 
culture at the same time as delving deep into a scientific field. I have always 
had a deep interest in Computer Science as it is a very versatile field with 
applications in every field, which is evident when we look at the way the world 
is becom­ing more technology based. I was starting to get interest in 
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Autonomous Systems. My third year 
spe­cialization, and thus my first master degree from École Polytechnique, was 
in Data Science. In Brazil, I worked on a Real-time Indoor Localization System 
(RTILS), where I trained a system of trackers for automatically and fast 
localizing a robot with high precision using a particle filter. This internship 
also gave me a taste of the domain of autonomous navigation. By the end of the 
third year, I was looking for a PhD that would combine navigation, satellites, 
machine learning and AI, and give me some opportunities to travel and practice 
my art.

Supaéro and PhD

During my first year at École, I had learnt thatthere was a possibility of 
doing our 4th year as a double diploma exchange student at ISAE-Supaéro, 
France's top school in the domain of aerospace. When they came to present 
themselves at École Polytechnique, they took us on a visitto the campus of 
Safran, a leading aerospace company in Europe. 

There, we were greeted by Jean François Clervoy, an alumnus of both 
Polytechnique and Supaéro ... and a French Astronaut for the European Space 
Agency (ESA)! I had then a deep desire to study at Supaéro and one day work for 
Safran. As life turned out, I got accepted at Supaéro from where I recently 
earned my second master, in Aerospace Engineering with a specialization in 
Autonomous Systems, Decision Sciences and Robotics, and thereafter through a 
recruitment process, I got accepted for a PhD in collaboration with Safran.

So here I am, writing this article from my office computer at Safran. There are 
numerical simulations open on the other windows nearby. My PhD, to explain 
briefly, is on studying the navigation signals from satellite systems (like 
GPS) and fusing them with other physical navigation devices so that we can have 
a robust solution for a super precise position, of the order of centimeters. 
The GPS we use today from our phones is rarely more precise than at least a few 
meters. My research could have applications in autonomous cars and planes where 
a few centimeters can make the difference for sur­vival. Thus, I managed to get 
the PhD I had been wishing for, and now I strive to continue to pursue my Space 

In conclusion

Thus I conclude my article on my journey; however one cannot truly summarize a 
decade's worth of experiences, even of a young person, in a few paragraphs. If 
I made some things look easy, it's because I have not spoken of the constant 
ef­fort I had to put in - the countless emails I wrote, the amount of care I 
had to take to be aware of a maximum number of things going on without being 
overburdened by information, the effort it took to stay motivated when I was 
faced with failure and re­jection, learning to move on to new things, learning 
to overlook embarrassment and gain confidence, even health problems, and the 
very general ques­tions we face in our personal lives just because we are 
human. On the contrary if I made some things look difficult, I would just like 
the reader to real­ize that if you stop blindly obeying everyone, think with 
your heart and have the courage to act on your own instincts, nothing is truly 
impossible. Perhaps extremely difficult, but definitely not impossible.


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