On Thu, 2009-10-22 at 16:48 +0900, Keith Packard wrote: 
> Excerpts from Daniel Stone's message of Thu Oct 22 12:09:24 +0900 2009:
> > What? Why?
> Doing more frequent releases will obviously reduce the lag between
> implementation and deployment; this should do lots of good for
> everyone involved. I get constant requests for shorter X server
> release intervals, enough so that I'm willing to do the work to make
> it happen if that's OK with the X.org community.
> The Intel driver is on a quarterly release schedule at this point, and
> we've been getting good feedback on this process from Linux OSVs and
> other users of the driver. Obviously sticking to schedules is a key
> part of any benefit to the OSVs here, and in my experience, shorter
> schedules are easier to hit than longer ones. Yes, it's a lot of
> release management, but as I said, I'm willing to make that happen.

Ever since I became involved with maintaining X in a distro, the intel
driver has been the source of many bugs and regressions.  I don't know
how much of that is related to the release schedule, but it's certainly
my impression that "let's do some invasive changes quickly, and when
enough people get around to testing that in a few months we'll have
revamped the code again so their reports are useless" is not working all
that well.
I know your driver has improved a lot over the last years, but that
doesn't mean the process is as perfect as you seem to say, or that a 3
months cycle is enough to get stuff properly tested.


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