On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 10:56:56PM -0800, Jesse Adkins wrote:
> I thought that might be the case. I had the libtool input driver patch
> based on aiptek. Should I make a new patch for some other supported
> input driver? I was holding off on sending another round of patches
> for libtool .la removal since the aiptek patch never got a signoff on
> it.

unmaintained at this point essentially means "I'll fix the build when
needed", usually after merging API breaks into the server.
So feel free to submit the patch and ping me if I don't commit it in time.

fwiw, for patches like the libtool one, patches that go into all drivers
it's always best to to submit one patch for a maintained driver, wait for
the acks and then re-do the same patch for the other drivers. since it is
essentially the same patch for all drivers, you don't have to resubmit all
to the list. and it saves you work, since you only need to do the work once
if the patch needs redoing.

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