On 4/10/11 9:11 PM, Peter Hutterer wrote:
XShmAttach, XShmDetach, XShmPutImage do not return a Status but 0 or 1.
Though the man section for XShmAttach says "if all goes well, you will get a
non-zero status, back" this is counter to the usage of Status in Xlib
itself where 0 means Success and no-zero specifies the specific error.

XShmPixmapFormat does not return a Status but the pixmap format or 0 on

Signed-off-by: Peter Hutterer<peter.hutte...@who-t.net>

I was nervous at first, it sounded like you were changing the literal value returned, but you're just fixing the type to be less of a lie. This seems like an improvement.

Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <a...@redhat.com>

- ajax
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