Yep, +1 for nuking generated doc files from EXTRA_DIST

I recall Gaetan sent a patch to xorg-devel to do that (which I believe I 
reviewed).  It doesn't look like it has landed yet though.

On Apr 28, 2011, at 09:12, Jon TURNEY wrote:

> On 29/03/2011 14:13, Gaetan Nadon wrote:
>> On Mon, 2011-03-28 at 23:29 -0700, Jeremy Huddleston wrote:
>>> As a followup, it seems that my 'make dist' in recent 1.9.x releases
>>> was actually not rebuilding hw/dmx/doc/html but using an existing
>>> version built back in October.  I'm only noticing this now because I
>>> did a new checkout for 1.10 and thus don't have the old files.
>> make distclean will remove the generated html files.
>>> My guess is that older doxygen build main.html, and newer ones build
>>> index.html, so I'm just updating EXTRA_DIST with the updated list of
>>> generated files and will use that... expect 1.10.1 RC1 tomorrow.
>>> Sorry for the delay.
> Having just got burnt by this as well, this seems to be a change in doxygen
> 1.7.3.
> The changelog [1] line "Redesigned the treeview feature. Instead of using
> frames, the navigation tree is now loaded on each page dynamically." seems to
> mean "replaced index.html which loads tree.html and main.html in frames with
> one which uses javascript"
>> If what you suspect is correct, someone else will have the same problem
>> with the new list in EXTRA_DIST. There is no guarantee that the list of
>> generated files will remain the same over time. I have been advocating
>> not to include these generated files in the tarball. I have not seen
>> evidence that any distro is missing doxygen to build these files. The
>> time and effort spent to maintain this is disproportionate with the
>> benefits (I suspect none) it brings.
> Anyhow, Gaetan is absolutely correct, listing the files we expect doxygen to
> generate in EXTRA_DIST in hw/dmx/doc/ isn't robust against changes
> like this
> [1]

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