
On 2 October 2011 08:17, Matthieu Herrb <matthieu.he...@laas.fr> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 01, 2011 at 03:14:12PM +0200, Luc Verhaegen wrote:
>> If you know that you are coming to FOSDEM, but for some reason think
>> that someone else should step up instead, then think again, and reply
>> ASAP.
> Luc,
> I hope that some of the major X contributors (intel. ati) will be able
> to send some of their developpers and that they could have a talk. While
> I understand that it's difficult for them to plan 6 month ahead, I
> find it lame that no other propostion came in.

That's basically the problem.  Getting travel sponsorship approved six
months advance is difficult in any company, let alone within the space
of 12 days from first proposal to final deadline.

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