On 12-01-26 09:19 PM, Arnaud Fontaine wrote:
> Hello,
> Gaetan Nadon <mems...@videotron.ca> writes:
>> The author  of the code  should submit a  patch to clarify  his rights
>> over  the  code.  The  X.Org  preferred  license  can be  found  here:
>> http://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.6/doc/xorg-docs/License.html#id2521948
> That would be great indeed.
>> The  role  of the  COPYING  file  is  to  reflect (or  summarize)  the
>> copyright statements  in the  source code. Currently  it is  wrong. If
>> this patch  makes it correct,  it should be  applied. If and  when the
>> source code changes,  the COPYING file would need to  be updated again
>> (business as usual).
> I agree  with you, but  the patch you  sent only reflects  the copyright
> statements of a part of dsimple.{c,h}.
So we agree in principle, what other Copyright statements have I missed?
I admit I do not read each source file but I do a grep on "Copyright".
If there are none, then that is the end of it.

I don't search for missing copyright statements, typos, or for any
comment that could be interpreted as a copyright like "public domain" or
"do what you want". I don't know how to handle these or if they have any
legal significance.

That's the limit of my understanding :-)
> Regards,

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