
I find the solution.
Recompiling the Xorg with option ./configure --prefix=/usr
--sysconfdir=/etc --libexecdir=/usr/lib --localstatedir=/var
--infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man
--with-fontdir=/usr/share/fonts/X11/ --enable-xselinux, then copy
hw/xfree86/Xorg to /usr/bin/Xorg. Hack the source code and trace the
The bug is FreeFeedbackClass(PtrFeedbackClass,
(pointer)&classes->ptrfeed) in FreeAllDeviceClasses free the same
address twice.
Then I allocate a new PtrFeedbackClassRec, assign to  PtrFeedbackPtr
in my xinput driver. Compare the evtouch source, and read the
xorg-server source, I found this solution and work perfectly.
I learn writing input driver from, it
also have the shut down problem. After I apply this patch, Window
Manager can be shut down normally now.

2012/4/20, Michal Suchanek <>:
> On 19 April 2012 04:50, c-aries <> wrote:
>> Hi all. I write a x input driver. When the driver read from normal
>> device it works nice. After I change it to read from fifo, the driver
>> works nice also before I turn off the Window Manager. After Xorg
>> process exit, devices are all disabled, the screen won't change to
>> tty, keyboard don't work also.
>> I use another computer to ssh and gdb. Find that the Xorg exit
>> normally, and the linux kernel still work.
> Hello,
> I guess this is caused by X server not restoring the terminal to
> working state after it exits.
> Try to use the sysrq to unraw terminal and switch to another vt.
> Alternatively to run a X server in standard configuration remotely.
> Michal

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= = I'm a GNU C Programmer, Happy Hacking!
_______________________________________________ X.Org development

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