On 8 January 2013 18:07, Samuel Thibault <samuel.thiba...@ens-lyon.org> wrote:
> Michal Suchanek, le Tue 08 Jan 2013 16:03:06 +0100, a écrit :
>> There is already -novtswitch option. Making a corresponding -vtswitch
>> would be simplest provided it overrides the HW_SKIP_CONSOLE override.
> novtswitch still allocates the VT, so it's not the same.
>> The OP however wants the X server to DoTheRightThing(tm) automagically
>> but there is no agreement yet what the right thing exactly is.
> Well, I hope I have made my point clear: the blind user case should
> get exactly the same behavior with the dummy video driver (without
> configuring anything else) as the 99%-standard user case, with other
> video drivers. I.e. a VT gets allocated, switched to, and keyboard/mouse
> events there go to the server.

And what's the point?

You don't have a screen so you don't see the VT switched.

The driver does not render anything so does not need allocate a VT.

That's just plain dumb requirement and defeats the purpose of dummy as
non-privileged X driver and non-disturbing test driver.

This is not gonna happen.


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