> I guess the other clients must call XBell() with percent=0?

Probably.  The way the percent argument (which is only sort-of a
percentage; it runs from -100 to 100) is interpreted makes it
reasonably clear to me that the intent is that 0 be some sort of
nominal user-set volume, with programs able to use -100 to 0 to mean
"softer than the user-set volume" and 0 to 100 as "louder than the
user-set volume".  Calling it with other than 0, except as specifically
configured, amounts to the program deciding it knows better than the
user how loud the bell should be; I would consider such a program
antisocial, at least to the extent it purports to be general-purpose.
I'm pleased to see that most app authors seem to agree (with the
conclusion, if perhaps not the reasoning).

Of course, on some hardware there are only two volume levels actually
possible, one of which is completely inaudible, so there are also
portability reasons to not depend on nonzero values of the argument
doing anything meaningful (possibly excepting -100 and 100, to which
the above remarks apply).

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