> Does anyone object to allowing this change to the coding style now
> that it's no longer a hard requirement for OpenBSD's ports?

I haven't yet seen what this is in response to.  But the Subject: makes
it appear that this is talking about accepting
declaration-after-statements code.

If so, I think I object a bit, though of course that may not mean much.
It was, I think, less than a month ago I had to fix something - I don't
recall what - that had declaration-amid-statements code in order to get
it to build.

Naturally, whether my still using such compilers constitutes an
argument for x.org to continue sticking to that version of C is
something I can't really comment on.  (It will significantly raise the
effort which would be required for me to build x.org X; whether x.org
cares about that is the question.  It's not something I've done except
as part of a NetBSD build, so it's not clear it really makes any
pragmatic difference.  Now, at least.)

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