On 2017-12-13 08:47 PM, Adam Jackson wrote:
> On Wed, 2017-12-13 at 11:31 -0800, Keith Packard wrote:
>> Adam Jackson <a...@redhat.com> writes:
>>> This has been "deprecated" since 2011, but because it is still
>>> referenced from XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS nothing has ever been updated to
>>> get strict aliasing right. Let's fix that.
>> I don't understand this -- are you getting rid of this option from our
>> compiles or not?
> I mean, the lines in the diff start with "-".  "Let's fix that" here
> means "let's build normally and see what falls out".
>> I can assure you that our code is unlikely to work with
>> out it.
> xserver still passes make check when built without it. Well, the meson
> build does anyway, I haven't gotten around to trying it with the
> autotools build yet, nor adding -Werror=strict-aliasing and rebuilding
> the world, but that would obviously be prerequisite for releasing a
> version of util-macros with this change in it.

I don't think compilers can reliably warn about all strict aliasing
violations yet (ever?).

Is this really worth the risk? Do you have any numbers showing tangible
benefits of this change?

Earthling Michel Dänzer               |               http://www.amd.com
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