Do those also happen with that x-server patch applied / on master?

It is not world ending not to have it, but would be nice if users
could get some depth 30 support already on 1.19.7 with the next
Mesa/nouveau/intel-ddx release. Upgrading the kernel or Mesa or ddx'en
to some required version is something not too difficult for users due
to 3rd party ppa's for debian/ubuntu and on fedora repos, but x-server
upgrades with all required dependencies at least on debian/ubuntu are
quite painful/borderline impossible at least for my typical not very
technical target audience with their limited skill set - Or maybe at
least i don't know the magic repos or commands to do that easily.


On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 5:53 PM, Ilia Mirkin <> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 11:17 AM, Mario Kleiner
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Adam,
>> b5f9fcd50a999a00128c0cc3f6e7d1f66182c9d5 ("xfree86/modes: Adapt
>> xf86Randr12CrtcComputeGamma() for depth 30. (v2)")
>> would be really good to have in server 1.19.7, so xf86-video-intel/nouveau
>> can operate at screen depth 30 and keep gamma table updates via
>> xf86vidmode and randr functional, instead of the server switching to
>> identity gamma ramps for the whole depth 30 session and other weirdness.
> FWIW it works fine with the identity ramps, so it is not such a huge
> problem. I did run into issues when I applied Mario's patch to
> xf86-video-nouveau and xorg 1.19.x:
> Perhaps the nouveau patch should just be predicated on xorg 1.20? We
> still want to support older X servers, so we'll need some kind of
> version check anyways.
>   -ilia
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