Giuseppe Bilotta <> writes:

> By drawing “outside” of their window I don't mean using the window's
> own GC context —that would actually work correctly, since it's the one
> that gets scaled— but rather using a (grand)parent window such as the
> root or vroot window(s).

If they did that without IncludeInferiors, then they will be clipped
away from the current size of the window, unless you're using Manual
compositing, in which case of course you can paint all over that area.

> More in general, there could be issues with clients that interact with
> the geometry of other windows (the only examples I can think of are
> toys like AMOR or xsnow though, not sure if there's any “serious”
> program that could be affected by this).

Always possible, but my goal is to make this work like the 'normal' size
outside of the window and the 'owner' size within.


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