2008/10/26 Simon Thum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Søren Hauberg wrote:
>> issue is keeping the code fairly clean. I imagine that the solution
>> you suggest will be fairly complicated, in which case I don't think it
>> would be worth the slight performance gain. But perhaps my priorities
>> aren't in place...
> Well, the issue is precision which is affected by double-scaling (we have
> an integer intermediary scale). You could also tackle that by having the
> imed scale large (>>1024).

Just a quick thought: double-scaling means we transform one coordinate
from [a, b] to [c, d] in the driver, and then from [c, d] to [e, f] in
the server, right? Here [a, b] is determined by the hardware. What if
we choose [c, d] equal to [e, f] ? Then the scaling in the server
would be from [e, f] to [e, f] i.e. a unit scaling, which I assume
doesn't affect the precision (if it does, then we could let the server
check if the scaling is a unit-scaling, and only perform the actual
scaling if it is not).

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