Jason Gauthier wrote:
> All,
>   I apologize if this is a misdirected request for assistance.  I’ll
> gladly send it to the appropriate place.  
> I’m attempting to multihead an Intel video card and a USB VGA adapter.
You don't specify which version of the X server you're using. This may
be useful since things are changing in this area...

> While I can get both “screens” to work with X, it’s a not a true
> desktop, as they are both disconnected from each other.
> The mouse can move back and forth, but that is all.

That's the traditional (legacy) way to handle multihead in X: each head
gets its own connexion :0.0, :0.1 and so on.

> When I attempt to enable ‘xinerama’ I get a seg fault.

Currently this should indeed the way to go.  If you get a segfault this
is a bug and more information (Xorg.0.log for instanct) would be helpful
to try to debug and fix it.

> From my reading, xrandr doesn’t support the USB VGA adapter.

the current versions of xrandr don't support multiple cards. This is an
addition planned for the future. But also the SiS usb vga driver has
currently no active maintainer, so even when this gets implemented, it
will take some time before it becomes available on this driver.

> So, I’m left wondering how to accomplish this task.  Any insight is helpful!

Matthieu Herrb

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