also sprach Alex Deucher <> [2009.04.28.1957 +0200]:
> It won't work until your secondary card is posted.  Int10 posting
> of secondary cards doesn't work with libpciaccess.  The non-int10
> post code in the ddx is incomplete and disabled.

You also explained on IRC:

  Normally when you boot, the system bios initializes your video
  card by executing a routine in the video bios. That's what we call
  posting. So in your case, the non-int10 post code in the ddx needs
  to be fixed, or we need to make int10 stuff work for seconday
  cards with libpciaccess.

> You can try it with the attached patch, but it likely won't make
> a difference.

It didn't. :(

> Your best bet short term is to use xserver 1.4.x.

Any idea how long that "short term" is? 1.4.x works fine for me at
the moment, but I'd rather not build on that basis for indeterminate

martin | |
"our destiny exercises its influence over us even when, as yet,
 we have not learned its nature; it is our future that lays down the
 law of our today."
                                                 - friedrich nietzsche

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