On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 10:54:52PM +0200, Tino Keitel wrote:
> (II) Cannot locate a core pointer device.
> (II) Cannot locate a core keyboard device.
> (II) The server relies on HAL to provide the list of input devices.
>         If no devices become available, reconfigure HAL or disable
> AllowEmptyInput.

Have you tried "X -configure" to generate a usable xorg.conf (inside
chroot). And if necessary, adding your own Keyboard and Mouse section
like this:

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
        Driver          "kbd"
        Option          "XkbRules"      "xorg"
        Option          "XkbModel"      "pc104"
        Option          "XkbLayout"     "us"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Configured Mouse"
        Driver          "mouse"

Li, Yan
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