Le samedi 25 juillet 2009 à 13:31 -0400, Jim Gettys a écrit :
> That isn't a good reason: keycodes are arbitrary, a simple table lookup 
> to remap them to 8-255 is an easy solution, much easier than the 
> alternatives, unless I'm missing something...

keycodes are not arbitrary, the codes > 255 have a standardised meaning,
if you remap them they don't behave like they should according to the
symbol printed on them.

Also it is very common to have multiple input devices nowadays that all
have some keycodes > 255 so any remapping solution would need to be able
to manage parallel hotplug of devices with different requirements (in
fact what is un-common is devices that only use keycodes < 255, I tried
to buy one last time I was in the local chinatown to avoid dealing with
this issue — they don't exist anymore)

Nicolas Mailhot

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