On Saturday 12 September 2009 08:11:25 pm Daniel wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to find some more information on all this... From what
> I've read, xinerama is deprecated in favor of xrandr. But, xrandr
> doesn't support multiple GPUs?
> I have 3 monitors (two side monitors being rotated 90 degrees), two
> Nvidia GPUs... and so far the only way to get them functioning is
> through xinerama. I'd like to get away from xinerama as it doesn't seem
> to allow for 3D...

This does not seem correct to me.  I am using the nvidia driver and xinerama 
with two screen (single GPU) and 3D works great.  I use this setup all the 
time to run FlightGear for example.  Or by 3D are you referring to composting 
for your desktop?  If the later then you are right it does not work with 

The nvidia driver does not support xrandr 1.2 even though this has been on 
nvidia's to do list for at least three years.  But even if they did it would 
only solve this problem for those that have a single GPU and two monitors.

> Is it possible to use xrandr in this configuration? 

No your driver does not support xrandr 1.2.

> If it is, can some
> one point me in that direction? I've been all over google, and really...
> am just more confused.
> Thanks in advance...
> Daniel
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