On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 11:02:23AM +1100, Timothy S. Nelson wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Nov 2009, Peter Hutterer wrote:
> >On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 09:34:38AM -0500, Tom Horsley wrote:
> >>On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 09:19:52 -0500
> >>Tom Horsley wrote:
> >>
> >>>That might be the very thing! There is even a fedora package
> >>>for it. I'm off to crank it up and see if I can get it
> >>>to work they way I want. Thanks!
> >>
> >>Unfortunately, just like gnome-mouse-properties, there is
> >>nothing in this tool that will handle the button mapping or
> >>drag lock changes I want :-(.
> >
> >As with much of input, we've been in a transitional phase for the last years
> >to turn from the old static system into a more flexible and dynamic one. X
> >is on the bottom of the stack, so any change needs to be reflected in the
> >upper layers - and they're not necessarily there yet.
> >
> >We're slowly catching up, but not as quick as some would like us and many
> >options are still not exposed - drag lock being one example.
> >
> >So here's the cardhouse:
> >As you said, the single xorg.conf file isn't really suited to evdev (or the
> >other way round). The input system is now aimed at per-device, per-session
> >(runtime) configuration. Static configuration is possible, but discouraged.
> >You can dop keys into the HAL configuration, but that'll go away eventually
> >with udev.
>       Does this mean that he should be configuring udev?  I've written my
> own udev files (for usb storage) before; I found it annoying, but
> possible.
> [For the record, as far as udev was concerned, I just had to make
> another file to go in /etc/udev/rules.d/ ].

if you want your evdev devices to be configured by the xorg.conf, then udev
is the best option.
other than that, you can use the HAL fdi files to configure specific devices
as well, but as I said, that configuration is less than optimal and will go
away sometime in the future.

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