My keyboard layout makes use of a third level chooser to give 
additional meaning to certain keys, e.g.

  key <AD01> { [ q, Q, slash ] };

The third level chooser is defined like so (here the space bar):

  key <SPCE> { symbols[Group1] = [ ISO_Level3_Shift ] };

So when I press space and Q, I get '/'.

This works fine so far.

However, when I start an untrusted client, the third level 
chooser stops working (so pressing space and Q produces 'q',
not '/'). Otherwise the layout is maintained.

When I try to load the layout via setxkbmap from the untrusted 
client, it says that the XKB extension is not available. It is 
not uncommon that certain extensions are not available to 
untrusted clients, and usually that was not a problem for me. But 
now it is.

Can anything be done about it? I am using the latest Xorg files 
from <>.

The untrusted client is given a cookie generated using a command 
similar to this:

  xauth generate :0 . untrusted

I use untrusted connections to isolate certain clients.

A workaround is to start Xnest with an untrusted connection and 
then run the client inside of Xnest. Hopefully, there is a better 

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